Nagorno-Karabakh, also known as Artsakh, is an independent state found within the region of Azerbaijan. It's main ethnic group is Armenian, the main language spoken is Armenian and the president of Artsakh is Armenian.
On September 27, 2020 Azerbaijan violated its ceasefire agreement and launched a large-scale air and artillery strikes on Artsakh. Azerbaijan is clashing with Armenia over the territory and the threat is worsening as Turkey is showing support for Azerbaijan.
Armenia has declared Martial Law and mobilization of all troop. Over 40,000 Armenian men and women have volunteered to fight in the frontlines to defend their homeland.
The people of Artsakh and Armenia are seeking peace, but the president of Azerbaijan is seeking to ethnic cleanse Armenians.
The events taking place has become a global concern for the United Nations. Artsakh is pleading for peace but needs your support to help stop the attacks.
How can you help?
1. Have conversations with you friends about the current events and spread awareness on social media. Use hashtags such as #Artsakhstrong #StopTurkey #StopAzerbaijanAggression
2. Donate! 25% of all of our online sales will be donated to the Armenia Fund. If you would like to donate more click on the link to make a contribution.
Every dollar counts, and every dollar will go towards helping the people of Artsakh.
3. Contact your local/state politicians and ask them to condemn Azerbaijani aggression.